Archive for the ‘Mobile devices’ Category

Cellphones: “Biggest threat to your cybersecurity”

February 23, 2016

We’re not talking Apple building a backdoor to access your encrypted info, we’re talking ordinary old cyber-criminals intercepting messages, seizing account numbers and passwords, and taking remote control of cell phones.


According to Knowledge @ Wharton

By 2015, more Americans are expected to access the Internet through a mobile device than a PC.

And,  45% of surveyed users do not see cybersecurity on their mobile devices as a threat in the same way as they see it on their computers.

The 55% couldn’t be more wrong.

Here’s why …


Cellphones: “Biggest threat to your cybersecurity”

May 22, 2015

We’re not talking NSA tracking, we’re talking ordinary old cyber-criminals intercepting messages, seizing account numbers and passwords, and taking remote control of cell phones.


According to Knowledge @ Wharton

Nowadays, more Americans are expected to access the Internet through a mobile device than a PC.

And,  45% of surveyed users do not see cybersecurity on their mobile devices as a threat in the same way as they see it on their computers.

The 55% couldn’t be more wrong.

Here’s why …


Cellphones: “Biggest threat to your cybersecurity”

June 27, 2013

We’re not talking NSA tracking, we’re talking ordinary old cyber-criminals intercepting messages, seizing account numbers and passwords, and taking remote control of cell phones.


According to Knowledge @ Wharton

By 2015, more Americans are expected to access the Internet through a mobile device than a PC.

And,  45% of surveyed users do not see cybersecurity on their mobile devices as a threat in the same way as they see it on their computers.

The 55% couldn’t be more wrong.

Here’s why …
